

This roller coaster may well represent what I do when I teach: I go up and down and down and up again and again... Some slopes are hard to climb, some others are so slippery you can get off the track at any time. And the worst of it all is that when you reach the end, it just starts all over again!
Anyway, no matter how many ups and downs there are, I have to find the right way to go on and get my message through to my students in an exciting or different way. After all, a roller coaster is fun, isn't it?

4 comentarios:

  1. hi Felix :-)

    fun indeed, although remember some might have vertigo and prefer a "down-to-earth" approach ;-)

    ups and downs it's a nice metaphor for our teaching job... thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi,

    it is true; some days are tough indeed, no matter how long it's taken you to think of "somethingdifferent", they might find it the dullest lesson. Others, however, even improvising the silliest game, you hit the bull!

  3. I am agree whith you. I think we are actors who ara playing everyday a different play, so we have to improvise all the times.
