

The first thing I have to say is that I have learnt a lot of new concepts on this course. activities like creating a blog, a wiki or a podcast were really interesting and fun and you get to realise how capable you can be if you get down to it with no fear of the results. Besides, what you are using is state-of-the-art tools for teaching and that's something your students will appreciate. In fact, I'm starting to use those tools in my classes successfully. You motivate the students and at the same time you truly feel they are learning something; then you think to yourself: that's the point, isn't it?
I wouldn't rate any of the activities as "the least useful or interesting" as every one of them has a purpose and a different goal. I felt a bit helpless though when the time came to create a video with Animoto since i thought it was going to be too complicated, but it turned out to be so easy, yet disappointing when watching the final product...
as for the interaction with my peers, it is great to have your work viewed and commented on by someone like you. it is a very good method to check out if it works and/or if you can improve it somehow. Anyway, sometimes I have had the feeling thet the opinions I have given or received might have been a little stilted as we don't mean to criticise each other's work or be put down by our peers. However, it is highly motivating to be praised for one's efforts whatsoever.
Finally, now I feel much more confident of my skills in using ICT than at the beginning of this course. Practice gives you such confidence and now I know I got it.
I think a big wide world of technologies applied to teaching is stepping briskly into our lives and the best thing to do is to give it a big welcome.



I had never worked with video like this, so it is my first experience and I think it's got lots of possibilities if you really like using this tool in class. In this short creation my aim is to say goodbye to all students as the end of the year approaches in June...and to all of you as well!
See you around!

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.



Didn't you have enough when you finished the treasure hunt? Visit my wiki and try this challenge with your class:



Here's an extract of THE RAVEN, by Edgar Allan Poe. The music in the background belongs to the album Tales of Mystery and Imagination by The Alan Parsons Project, and the second track is precisely "The Raven". Enjoy the eerie atmosphere and I hope it makes you want to read and listen to more...




This is an activity for you to realise the importance of English as an international language. You will see the varieties of English all over the world as well as the many places where you can speak it in order to make yourself understood. I'm sure you'll be amazed to learn how useful it can be whenever you decide to travel anywhere... Just have a look at the map and then have a guess at how many people can be speaking English right now!

==== countries where English is the first and often the only language of most people

==== countries where besides English as a native language there is at least one other significant native tongue

==== countries where English is not native, only official


First of all, search the Internet for the answers to the following questions:

1- In which European countries is English an official language?

2- What is a "lingua franca"?

3- How many types or varieties of English can you find all over the world? Name them. (For example, British English)

4- Look at the following vocabulary. Can you find the corresponding American English words for them?
biscuits trousers underground torch lift football rubbish pavement

5- What is "Spanglish"? Can you give an example?

6- Find the approximate number of people who can speak or understand English in the world.


And now imagine you are going to travel around the world, but only stopping in countries where English is spoken.

-Can you think of an itinerary starting from London?

-You can travel by car, plane or boat and there must be 6 countries at least.

-Give the following information about each country:

a) official language(s)

b) currency

c) population

d) capital city

e) typical food

-Which variety of English is spoken in each?

-What interesting places can we visit there? Do you know them?

-Name a famous person (an actor, a singer, a politician, a sportsperson...) who was born in the country and write a short biography of them.

This is it, now GO FOR IT!


Here's a list of links you can use for your search:



video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tft5IluKca4

accents http://www.ling.ed.ac.uk/research/gsound/Eng/Database/Phonetics/Englishes/Home/HomeMainFrameHolder.htm







For the evaluation, you can do the activity either in writing or a Powerpoint presentation. The following points will be taken into account:

- accuracy (20%)

- use of good English (grammar, vocabulary, connectors) (40%)

- clarity of ideas (10%)

- design of final work (10%)

- management of information (15%)

- originality (5%)



Have you ever wanted to fly? Have you ever wished you could stop trains and planes on the spot? Have you ever tried to catch bullets they´ve just shot at you? If the answer to all the questions is YES, then you want to be Superman. An amazing character, an alien who does not look like one if it weren't for his costume. He is the hero of heroes, someone who you can rely on in case of emergency since apparently he shows no weaknesses. Strong, tough, daring, nice, kind, always on your side ready to help you out. Could teachers emulate him? That would be great, students would be delighted. Superman, please, help me! I'm trying to teach and there's no tougher task than that, I promise!


This roller coaster may well represent what I do when I teach: I go up and down and down and up again and again... Some slopes are hard to climb, some others are so slippery you can get off the track at any time. And the worst of it all is that when you reach the end, it just starts all over again!
Anyway, no matter how many ups and downs there are, I have to find the right way to go on and get my message through to my students in an exciting or different way. After all, a roller coaster is fun, isn't it?